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DFY Authority 50 - Affiliate Information

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DFY Authority 50 information

Sale Price





Joshua Zamora

( Verified)
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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
DFY Authority 50 12/03/2020 1,000+ 7.19% $2.77 $38.58 50% 13.87%
(one-time) DFY Authority 100 12/03/2020 <10 2.78% $3.03 $109.22 20% 20.00%
(one-time) DFY Authority 50 12/03/2020 <10 0.67% $0.65 $97.00 20% 100.00%
(one-time) DFY Authority 25 12/03/2020 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 20% 0%
DFY Authority 50+ 12/03/2020 1,500+ 24.26% $8.86 $36.52 25% 4.36%
DFY Authority ReBrander 12/03/2020 100+ 21.32% $10.40 $48.77 50% 14.56%
DFY Authority Booster qt 12/03/2020 500+ N/A% $N/A $44.68 25% 9.81%
DFY Authority + Serplify Agency 12/03/2020 200+ 23.57% $15.24 $64.66 50% 18.30%
DFY Authority + SyndBuddy 2.0 12/03/2020 100+ 25.37% $11.51 $45.36 50% 18.33%