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Viral Dashboard - Affiliate Information

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Viral Dashboard information

Sale Price





Rahul Gupta [Official]

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Viral Dashboard 01/27/2021 1,000+ 5.25% $1.94 $36.92 50% 3.42%
Viral Dashboard Agency/Reseller Ninja 01/27/2021 <10 1.61% $4.61 $286.22 30% 11.11%
Viral Dashboard Agency/Reseller Pro 01/27/2021 <10 0.71% $1.04 $146.25 30% 0%
Viral Dashboard Site Suite (Business) 01/27/2021 <10 0.35% $2.46 $699.00 30% 0%
Viral Dashboard Site Suite (Professional) 01/27/2021 <10 0.88% $4.40 $498.40 30% 0%
Viral Dashboard Agency/Reseller Elite 01/27/2021 25+ 5.91% $29.35 $496.27 30% 6.06%
Viral Dashboard Lite 01/27/2021 <10 0.05% $0.01 $28.63 50% 0%
Viral Dashboard Pro Downsell 01/27/2021 100+ 35.74% $12.99 $36.35 50% 6.73%
Viral Dashboard PRO - Social Automation Triggers 01/27/2021 250+ 16.56% $7.97 $48.09 50% 2.84%
Viral Dashboard Gold Downsell 01/27/2021 50+ 50.00% $17.90 $35.80 50% 4.62%
Viral Dashboard GOLD - Social Analytics & Deck 01/27/2021 200+ 34.40% $15.97 $46.43 50% 3.54%
Viral Dashboard Site Suite (Starter) 01/27/2021 <10 1.30% $3.90 $299.00 30% 0%
Viral Dashboard Agency/Reseller Lite 01/27/2021 10+ 2.87% $2.77 $96.54 30% 7.69%