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Instawrapper Elite - Affiliate Information

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Instawrapper Elite information

Sale Price





Karthik Ramani

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Instawrapper Elite 06/23/2022 250+ 5.37% $1.82 $33.91 50% 9.24%
Instawrapper Bundle 06/23/2022 25+ 4.73% $11.68 $247.00 50% 10.42%
Insta Wrapper Unlimited 06/23/2022 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Instawrapper Starter 06/23/2022 <10 0.03% $0.01 $32.00 50% 0%
Instawrapper Pro Lite 06/23/2022 10+ 6.25% $2.94 $47.00 50% 18.18%
Instawrapper Pro 06/23/2022 75+ 15.76% $10.56 $67.00 50% 12.90%
Instawrapper Template Club Lite 06/23/2022 10+ 10.87% $2.93 $27.00 50% 6.67%
Instawrapper Template Club 06/23/2022 25+ 12.30% $5.78 $47.00 50% 19.15%
Instawrapper Agency 06/23/2022 25+ 11.40% $5.36 $47.00 50% 19.23%
Instawrapper Agency Lite 06/23/2022 <10 6.94% $2.57 $37.00 50% 20.00%
Instawrapper Reseller 06/23/2022 10+ 8.49% $8.24 $97.00 50% 22.22%
Instawrapper Reseller 250 06/23/2022 <10 1.18% $0.91 $77.00 50% 0%
InstaWrapper Video Agency Mastery 06/23/2022 10+ 10.84% $2.93 $27.00 50% 16.67%