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PowrSuite Commercial - Affiliate Information

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PowrSuite Commercial information

Sale Price





Neil Napier

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
PowrSuite Commercial 01/13/2022 500+ 4.41% $1.69 $38.42 50% 6.95%
PowrSuite Personal 01/13/2022 10+ 0.13% $0.05 $39.92 50% 0%
PowrSuite Bundle 01/13/2022 100+ 3.28% $6.61 $201.72 50% 13.21%
PowrSuite Unlimited Yearly 01/13/2022 <10 1.14% $1.68 $147.00 30% 16.67%
PowrSuite Unlimited One-time 01/13/2022 50+ 14.86% $29.47 $198.35 50% 6.76%
PowrSuite Unlimited Trial 01/13/2022 25+ 13.41% $7.12 $53.11 30% 5.71%
PowrSuite Agency 01/13/2022 75+ 37.90% $14.02 $37.00 50% 13.83%
PowrSuite Mailvio 01/13/2022 100+ 41.29% $20.23 $49.00 30% 7.81%
PowrSuite Meetvio 01/13/2022 25+ 21.23% $14.23 $67.00 50% 3.23%