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FaceSwap Commercial - Affiliate Information

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FaceSwap Commercial information

Sale Price





Oliver Goodwin

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
FaceSwap Personal 06/19/2022 100+ 0.18% $0.08 $46.00 50% 25.68%
FaceSwap Commercial 06/19/2022 2,000+ 2.84% $1.26 $44.39 50% 12.46%
FaceSwap HSS Unlimited Monthly 06/19/2022 200+ 11.60% $5.45 $47.00 20% 10.59%
FaceSwap Pro 06/19/2022 1,000+ 18.95% $9.39 $49.54 50% 10.14%
FaceSwap Enterprise 06/19/2022 500+ 32.23% $22.49 $69.77 50% 11.86%
FaceSwap Agency Unlimited 06/19/2022 250+ 10.23% $24.75 $241.98 50% 11.33%
FaceSwap HSS Unlimited Yearly 06/19/2022 100+ 4.58% $13.35 $291.62 20% 15.45%