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Dropshiply 2.0 Commercial - Affiliate Information

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Dropshiply 2.0 Commercial information

Sale Price





Rahul Gupta [Official]

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Dropshiply 2.0 Commercial 07/19/2022 250+ 2.20% $0.89 $40.35 50% 6.32%
Dropshiply 2.0 PRO Multi Stores + Auto-Order Technology (One Time) 07/19/2022 25+ 3.56% $3.45 $97.00 50% 3.23%
Dropshiply 2.0 PRO Multi Stores + Auto-Order Technology (Monthly) 07/19/2022 75+ 10.55% $3.18 $30.13 20% 1.04%
Dropshiply 2.0 Lite 07/19/2022 <10 0.04% $0.01 $32.95 50% 0%
Dropshiply 2.0 Agency (Business) 07/19/2022 <10 2.14% $6.36 $297.00 50% 0%
Dropshiply 2.0 Agency (Pro) 07/19/2022 <10 0.34% $0.66 $197.00 50% 0%
Dropshiply 2.0 Product Imports (Elite) 07/19/2022 10+ 2.58% $3.84 $149.00 50% 0%
Dropshiply 2.0 Product Imports (Gold) 07/19/2022 <10 0.59% $0.58 $99.00 50% 0%
Dropshiply 2.0 Product Imports (Pro) 07/19/2022 10+ 3.55% $1.74 $49.00 50% 11.11%
Dropshiply 2.0 Store Suite (Premium) 07/19/2022 10+ 4.63% $32.34 $699.00 30% 0%
Dropshiply 2.0 Store Suite (Advanced) 07/19/2022 <10 1.48% $7.40 $499.00 30% 0%
Dropshiply 2.0 Bundle 07/19/2022 25+ 2.42% $6.17 $255.06 50% 8.33%
Dropshiply 2.0 PRO Multi Stores + Auto-Order Technology (Yearly) 07/19/2022 50+ 6.92% $4.63 $67.00 20% 12.70%
Dropshiply 2.0 Store Suite (Starter) 07/19/2022 <10 3.85% $11.50 $299.00 30% 0%
Dropshiply 2.0 GOLD Viral Dashboard 07/19/2022 25+ 22.78% $10.71 $47.00 50% 2.44%
Dropshiply 2.0 Product Imports (Lite) 07/19/2022 <10 1.61% $0.47 $29.00 50% 0%
Dropshiply 2.0 Agency (Starter) 07/19/2022 <10 1.41% $1.37 $97.00 50% 0%