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Eternaleads AGENCY - Affiliate Information

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Eternaleads AGENCY information

Sale Price






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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Eternaleads | #1 Automatic Lead Generation System 10/17/2022 250+ 5.03% $1.35 $26.90 50% 10.71%
Eternaleads BUNDLE 03/21/2023 75+ 5.47% $10.78 $197.00 50% 20.73%
Eternaleads Personal 10/17/2022 <10 0.19% $0.05 $25.00 50% 16.67%
Eternaleads UNLIMITED 10/17/2022 100+ 43.16% $20.28 $47.00 50% 12.20%
Eternaleads DESIGNER 10/17/2022 50+ 41.60% $20.38 $49.00 50% 13.46%
Eternaleads AGENCY 10/17/2022 25+ 44.78% $21.04 $47.00 50% 10.00%
Eternaleads RESELLER 10/17/2022 10+ 0.94% $0.46 $49.00 50% 7.14%
Eternaleads MULTIMEDIA STUDIO 10/17/2022 <10 16.67% $46.17 $277.00 50% 0%