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Quizmatic Commercial - Affiliate Information

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Quizmatic Commercial information

Sale Price





Martin Crumlish

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Quizmatic Personal 09/26/2022 <10 0.08% $0.03 $35.70 50% 0%
Quizmatic Template club Lite 09/26/2022 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Quizmatic Template Club 09/26/2022 <10 2.08% $1.02 $49.00 50% 0%
Quizmatic Bundle 09/26/2022 100+ 5.90% $14.94 $253.39 50% 5.84%
Quizmatic Commercial 09/26/2022 200+ 5.66% $2.30 $40.72 50% 5.00%
Quizmatic Pro Lite 09/26/2022 10+ 12.66% $9.75 $77.00 50% 10.00%
Quizmatic Pro 09/26/2022 50+ 21.12% $20.84 $98.65 50% 6.25%
Quizmatic Agency 09/26/2022 10+ 10.42% $8.10 $77.77 50% 15.00%
Quizmatic Agency Lite 09/26/2022 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Quizmatic 50 DFY Campaigns 09/26/2022 <10 8.06% $3.95 $49.00 50% 0%
Quizmatic 25 DFY Campaigns 09/26/2022 <10 50.00% $18.50 $37.00 50% 0%
Quizmatic DFY Package Lite 09/26/2022 <10 5.88% $3.35 $57.00 50% 0%
Quizmatic DFY Package 09/26/2022 10+ 17.69% $13.74 $77.67 50% 0%
Quizmatic 50 WL License 09/26/2022 <10 4.00% $3.88 $97.00 50% 0%
Quizmatic 100 WL License Split Pay 09/26/2022 <10 20.00% $7.40 $37.00 50% 25.00%
Quizmatic 50 WL License Split Pay 09/26/2022 <10 6.82% $2.25 $33.00 50% 0%
Quizmatic 100 WL License 09/26/2022 <10 4.12% $7.60 $184.35 50% 25.00%