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YoSeller Agency - Affiliate Information

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YoSeller Agency information

Sale Price





Dr. Amit Pareek

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
YoSeller Bundle 10/11/2022 25+ 2.39% $5.95 $249.31 50% 23.08%
YoSeller Agency 10/11/2022 250+ 4.30% $1.13 $26.36 50% 9.86%
YoSeller Personal 10/11/2022 10+ 0.13% $0.03 $27.00 50% 20.00%
YoSeller Addon Bundle 10/11/2022 <10 0.45% $0.95 $211.00 50% 33.33%
YoSeller Premium One-Time Plan 10/11/2022 <10 0.59% $4.10 $697.00 30% 40.00%
YoSeller Lite 10/11/2022 25+ 15.64% $5.79 $37.00 50% 7.89%
YoSeller Elite One-Time 10/11/2022 50+ 6.08% $5.90 $97.00 50% 18.97%
YoSeller Elite Monthly 10/11/2022 <10 0.21% $0.08 $37.00 50% 0%
YoSeller Enterprise Agency 10/11/2022 10+ 5.47% $5.31 $97.00 50% 13.33%
YoSeller Enterprise Personal 10/11/2022 10+ 4.76% $2.24 $47.00 50% 7.69%
YoSeller Business Drive 10/11/2022 10+ 2.61% $1.23 $47.00 50% 10.53%
YoSeller Premium 3 Instalment Plan 10/11/2022 <10 0.63% $1.56 $247.00 30% 0%
YoSeller Premium Monthly Membership 10/11/2022 <10 0.89% $0.69 $77.00 30% 0%