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LinkPro Commercial - Affiliate Information

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LinkPro Commercial information

Sale Price





Dr.Amit Pareek and Tim Verdouw

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
LinkPro Commercial 03/20/2023 100+ 3.57% $1.03 $28.88 50% 4.06%
LinkPro Start 03/20/2023 <10 0.05% $0.02 $34.00 50% 0%
LinkPro Bundle 03/20/2023 25+ 2.84% $6.34 $223.50 50% 12.50%
LinkPro Elite Monthly 03/20/2023 10+ 3.32% $1.23 $37.00 50% 0%
LinkPro Elite One-Time 03/20/2023 50+ 21.52% $12.32 $57.28 50% 7.04%
LinkPro Lite 03/20/2023 <10 3.28% $1.54 $47.00 50% 25.00%
LinkPro Enterprise 03/20/2023 10+ 11.05% $7.40 $67.00 50% 5.26%
LinkPro BizDrive 03/20/2023 10+ 8.24% $3.87 $47.00 50% 14.29%
LinkPro Unlimited Agency License 03/20/2023 <10 2.86% $2.77 $97.00 50% 0%
LinkPro 100 Agency License 03/20/2023 <10 2.42% $1.62 $67.00 50% 20.00%
LinkPro Premium Membership Monthly Deal 03/20/2023 <10 1.67% $1.28 $77.00 30% 0%
LinkPro Premium Membership One-Time-Deal 03/20/2023 <10 2.41% $16.80 $697.00 30% 0%
LinkPro Premium Membership 3 Instalment 03/20/2023 <10 1.69% $4.19 $247.00 30% 40.00%