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LeadPal Contest Closing Contest - Affiliate Contest

Product of the day
This Is CLOSING SOON - AI Finishes 100s of Marketing Tasks in Seconds - Watch This !!

LeadPal Contest Closing Contest

The seller of this product has created this contest as an incentive to affiliates that promote. The bonus prizes listed on this page are to be paid by the seller. JVZoo.com only provides the statistical data of affiliate sales and is not involved in the redemption process.

image Contest Information
LeadPal Commercial - Generate Social Leads & Reminders
Able Chika
Contest duration
08/13/2020 12:05 AM to 08/13/2020 11:59 PM
image Leaderboard
Rank Name Winnings
#1 image
MyNAMS - Jen Perdew
Todd Gross
Ugoo Carson & Elijah Oladimeji
Matt Garrett - WP Toolkit
Leonardus WpThemePlugin.com
Rick Nguyen
Samuel Marco
Nick E.N.
Gregory Evans
Noemi Goh
Chris Hitman
Firas Alameh
JV.MattG.Com JV Resources
Dr Ope Banwo