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Social Engage - Affiliate Information

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Social Engage information

Sale Price





Nemi Design

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Social Engage 02/09/2015 4,000+ 5.00% $2.93 $58.66 50% 10.98%
Social Engage Pro (With Commercial License) 02/09/2015 1,500+ 15.23% $10.47 $68.77 50% 10.52%
Social Engage PRO (Downsell) 02/05/2015 250+ 12.89% $6.28 $48.70 50% 10.55%
Social Lead Vision 01/18/2015 500+ 3.49% $3.37 $96.63 50% 10.86%
Social Lead Vision (Downsell) 02/05/2015 100+ 10.61% $6.03 $56.80 50% 7.54%
Archived SSE 01/27/2015 250+ N/A% $N/A $49.75 50% 9.06%
Archived VLP 01/27/2015 200+ N/A% $N/A $29.86 50% 9.40%