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Engagifire (Unlimited Sites) - Affiliate Information

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Engagifire (Unlimited Sites) information

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50% 1st
50% Rebill


Stuart Frank and Tom Murray

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Engagifire (Single Site) 03/20/2015 200+ 0.39% $0.18 $47.14 50% 14.35%
Engagifire (5 Sites) 03/20/2015 100+ 0.31% $0.22 $72.21 50% 10.29%
Engagifire (Unlimited Sites) 03/20/2015 2,500+ 5.08% $2.69 $52.99 50% 5.57%
Engagifire Pro 03/20/2015 1,000+ 8.74% $5.97 $68.28 50% 4.63%
Engagifire Elite 03/20/2015 500+ 16.07% $7.71 $47.97 50% 4.55%
Engagifire Ultimate 03/20/2015 50+ 0.98% $2.19 $222.26 50% 9.72%