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The Social Traffic Magnet - Affiliate Information

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The Social Traffic Magnet information

Sale Price





Paul Dunstan

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
The Social Traffic Magnet 10/13/2015 200+ 2.56% $0.23 $9.17 100% 8.70%
The Social Traffic Magnet - Pro 10/13/2015 250+ N/A% $N/A $19.82 100% 10.26%
The Social Traffic Magnet - Premium 10/13/2015 25+ N/A% $N/A $20.35 100% 3.57%
Automated Income Creator 09/14/2015 250+ 53.62% $14.11 $26.31 50% 1.97%
Automated Income Creator - Special Trial 09/14/2015 75+ 19.76% $3.73 $18.86 50% 1.23%
The $250k Formula - Special Offer 09/14/2015 25+ 8.13% $7.57 $93.07 50% 18.92%
Advanced Niche Domination - Special Offer 09/14/2015 <10 5.06% $2.31 $45.69 50% 0%