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ZeroBounce v2 WP Plugin (Unlimited Sites License) - Affiliate Information

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ZeroBounce v2 WP Plugin (Unlimited Sites License) information

Sale Price





Ankur Shukla

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
ZeroBounce v2 WP Plugin - Single Site License 02/11/2015 10+ 0.08% $0.02 $24.00 50% 4.76%
ZeroBounce v2 WP Plugin (Unlimited Sites License) 02/11/2015 500+ 3.58% $0.92 $25.77 50% 2.18%
ZeroBouncePRO v2 WP Plugin (50 Site License) 02/11/2015 10+ 0.76% $0.26 $34.00 50% 7.69%
ZeroBouncePRO v2 WP Plugin (Unlimited Sites License) 02/11/2015 250+ 27.08% $9.96 $36.77 50% 2.37%
ZeroBouncePRO v2 WP Plugin (25 Sites License) 02/11/2015 25+ 5.59% $1.49 $26.60 50% 4.00%
ZeroBouncePRO-DEV v2 (25 Sites Developers License) 02/11/2015 <10 2.42% $0.62 $25.75 50% 0%
ZeroBouncePRO-DEV v2 (Unlimited Sites Developers License) 02/11/2015 75+ 15.50% $7.00 $45.15 50% 1.08%
ZeroBouncePRO-DEV v2 (50 Site Developers License) 02/11/2015 <10 0.50% $0.22 $45.00 50% 0%
ZeroBounce v2 WP Plugin Resellers - Sell UNLIMITED Licenses 02/11/2015 10+ 0.35% $0.33 $96.14 50% 0%
ZeroBounce v2 WP Plugin Resellers - Sell 100 Licenses 02/11/2015 <10 1.22% $0.92 $75.57 50% 0%
ZeroBounce v2 WP Plugin Resellers - Sell 50 Licenses 02/11/2015 <10 0.76% $0.36 $47.00 50% 0%