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Social Media Firesale - Private Label Rights - Affiliate Information

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Social Media Firesale - Private Label Rights information

Sale Price





Musemancer - Edmund Loh

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Social Media Firesale - Private Label Rights 01/27/2017 500+ 11.00% $2.05 $18.65 50% 1.99%
Social Media Firesale - Resale Rights 01/27/2017 10+ 0.18% $0.03 $17.00 60% 0%
Social Media Firesale - Personal Use 01/27/2017 100+ 1.63% $0.16 $9.95 100% 2.13%
Social Media Firesale Video Upgrade - Private Label Rights 01/27/2017 250+ 23.36% $15.99 $68.47 50% 4.56%
Social Media Firesale Video Upgrade - Save 70% 01/27/2017 100+ 23.05% $6.22 $27.00 50% 1.25%
Done For You - 100% Automated Sales Funnel (CS) 10/28/2016 250+ 3.69% $2.83 $76.84 50% 8.03%