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ZenViral - Affiliate Information

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ZenViral information

Sale Price




50% 1st
50% Rebill


Desmond Ong

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
ZenViral 01/31/2017 50+ 1.00% $0.25 $25.55 50% 29.23%
ZenViral - Lifetime 01/31/2017 100+ 1.99% $1.29 $64.72 50% 16.54%
ZenViral Pro 01/31/2017 50+ 8.35% $3.76 $45.07 50% 12.96%
ZenViral Pro (Discounted Version) 01/31/2017 25+ 8.78% $2.04 $23.29 50% 14.29%
10 Done For You "ZenViral-Optimized" Pages 01/31/2017 25+ 14.48% $6.48 $44.75 50% 21.88%
10 Done For You "ZenViral-Optimized" Pages (Discounted Version) 01/31/2017 10+ 12.03% $2.94 $24.47 50% 5.26%
ZenViral Skype Coaching Session with Desmond Ong 01/31/2017 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%