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Leadsensationz - Main - Affiliate Information

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Leadsensationz - Main information

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Han Fan

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
<10 0% $0.00 $0.00 0% 0%
Leadsensationz - Main 04/14/2017 2,000+ 11.30% $3.07 $27.16 50% 10.54%
Leadsensationz - Plus (Monthly) 04/14/2017 100+ 6.40% $3.95 $61.74 50% 16.46%
Leadsensationz - Plus (Half Yearly) 04/14/2017 1,000+ 46.71% $31.54 $67.53 50% 8.96%
Leadsensationz - Silver (DFY Theme Only) 04/14/2017 25+ 1.88% $1.27 $67.72 50% 13.95%
Leadsensationz - Agency license (5 License) 04/14/2017 10+ 0.99% $0.97 $97.58 50% 36.84%
Leadsensationz - Agency license (50 License) 04/14/2017 <10 0.39% $0.58 $147.71 50% 14.29%
Leadsensationz - Platinum (DFY Theme + 350 Videos) 04/14/2017 200+ 9.49% $9.27 $97.64 50% 17.05%
Leadsensationz - Agency license (150 License) 04/14/2017 50+ 3.77% $7.46 $197.71 50% 18.57%