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Social Zen 3 Accounts - The Ultimate 100% Hands-free, Fully Automated Social Web App! - Affiliate Information

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Social Zen 3 Accounts - The Ultimate 100% Hands-free, Fully Automated Social Web App! information

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OJ James

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Social Zen 1 Account - The Ultimate 100% Hands-free, Fully Automated Social Web App! 05/23/2017 10+ 0.17% $0.05 $32.41 50% 0%
Social Zen 3 Accounts - The Ultimate 100% Hands-free, Fully Automated Social Web App! 05/23/2017 500+ 4.55% $1.99 $43.73 50% 13.49%
Social Zen Platinum Unlimited Accounts - Monthly 05/23/2017 75+ 1.61% $0.40 $24.88 0% 11.54%
Social Zen Platinum Unlimited Accounts - Bi Yearly 05/23/2017 25+ 0.83% $0.57 $68.75 0% 10.00%
Social Zen Platinum Unlimited Accounts - Lifetime Access 05/23/2017 100+ 3.71% $4.50 $121.13 0% 12.29%
Social Zen - Quotes Builder + Image Editor AddOn 05/23/2017 100+ 15.23% $5.52 $36.23 50% 10.65%
Social Zen - Link AutoGenerator 05/23/2017 100+ 14.59% $3.80 $26.08 50% 10.27%