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VidBuilderFX - Multi - Affiliate Information

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VidBuilderFX - Multi information

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Abhi Dwivedi [VineaSX]

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
VidBuilderFX - Multi 05/15/2017 3,500+ 15.29% $3.12 $20.43 50% 7.35%
VidBuilderFX - Single 05/15/2017 25+ 0.15% $0.03 $22.23 50% 6.25%
VidBuilderFX - Platinum 05/15/2017 500+ 26.57% $12.49 $47.00 25% 10.24%
VidBuilderFX - Ace 05/15/2017 200+ 19.57% $5.29 $27.00 50% 12.13%
VidBuilderFX - Agency 05/15/2017 100+ 9.53% $4.48 $47.00 50% 19.02%
VidBuilderFX - ViralSOCI 05/15/2017 250+ 26.03% $7.03 $27.00 25% 10.27%
VidBuilderFX - ImageLibraryPack 05/15/2017 75+ 7.30% $1.79 $24.47 50% 13.33%
VidBuilderFX - Resellers - UL 05/15/2017 25+ 2.37% $4.39 $185.13 50% 18.75%