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A N I M A T I O - Main ( Unlimited Sites License ) - Affiliate Information

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A N I M A T I O - Main ( Unlimited Sites License ) information

Sale Price





Mark Bishop

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
A N I M A T I O - Main ( Unlimited Sites License ) 08/07/2017 500+ 4.10% $1.32 $32.32 50% 6.48%
A N I M A T I O - Main ( 10 Sites License ) 08/07/2017 25+ 0.29% $0.09 $31.68 50% 2.86%
A N I M A T I O - Main ( Single Site License ) 08/07/2017 10+ 3.09% $0.68 $22.03 50% 25.00%
A N I M A T I O - Pro Version 08/07/2017 200+ 19.46% $8.36 $42.94 50% 5.63%
A N I M A T I O - Pro Lite 08/07/2017 25+ 7.45% $2.44 $32.69 50% 9.09%
A N I M A T I O - Developer Lite 08/07/2017 50+ 14.51% $2.63 $18.14 50% 10.94%
A N I M A T I O - Developer Edition 08/07/2017 100+ 17.14% $4.91 $28.66 50% 4.64%
A N I M A T I O - Agency / Reseller Rights - 250X 08/07/2017 25+ 6.17% $5.58 $90.43 50% 0%
A N I M A T I O - Agency / Reseller Rights - 100X 08/07/2017 <10 1.27% $1.03 $80.92 50% 0%
A N I M A T I O - Agency / Reseller Rights - 30X 08/07/2017 <10 0.99% $0.52 $52.71 50% 0%