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Google Ads Mastery PLR - Affiliate Information

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Google Ads Mastery PLR information

Sale Price






Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Google Ads Mastery PLR 08/16/2017 500+ 10.16% $1.02 $10.07 50% 1.36%
Google Ads Mastery Downsell 08/16/2017 25+ 8.00% $2.40 $30.04 50% 0%
Google Ads Mastery Upsell 08/16/2017 75+ 10.51% $3.91 $37.23 50% 3.57%
SEO Revolution PLR 07/15/2017 200+ 7.95% $0.83 $10.43 50% 1.35%
SEO Revolution Upsell 07/15/2017 25+ 7.69% $2.86 $37.13 50% 2.04%
SEO Revolution Downsell 07/15/2017 10+ 3.52% $1.06 $29.99 50% 13.33%
PLR Membership 10/25/2016 500+ 9.44% $1.98 $21.01 30% 2.89%
Product Installation Service 08/31/2016 25+ 0.26% $0.18 $67.83 30% 13.89%