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Webinar Mastery PLR - Affiliate Information

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Webinar Mastery PLR information

Sale Price






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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Webinar Mastery PLR 11/15/2017 200+ 12.53% $1.08 $8.66 50% 1.23%
Webinar Mastery PLR Upsell 11/15/2017 50+ 13.71% $5.09 $37.15 50% 3.45%
Webinar Mastery PLR Downsell 11/15/2017 10+ 6.19% $1.86 $30.00 50% 10.53%
List Building Formula PLR 10/16/2017 250+ 7.28% $0.64 $8.77 50% 1.08%
List Building Formula Upsell 10/16/2017 50+ 12.72% $4.72 $37.16 50% 0%
List Building Formula Downsell 10/16/2017 10+ 6.38% $1.85 $29.04 50% 5.26%
PLR Membership 10/25/2016 500+ 9.44% $1.98 $21.01 30% 2.89%
Product Installation Service 08/31/2016 25+ 0.26% $0.18 $67.83 30% 13.89%