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Videze - Commercial Package - Affiliate Information

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Videze - Commercial Package information

Sale Price





Simran Pall

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Videze - Commercial Package 02/28/2018 2,500+ 3.03% $1.77 $58.42 50% 14.39%
Videze Personal License (OLD) 03/01/2018 50+ 0.08% $0.04 $49.43 50% 10.00%
Videze - Professional (Revamped) 07/15/2020 10+ 29.63% $12.25 $41.33 50% 16.67%
Videze - DFY Agency 07/15/2020 <10 12.77% $8.28 $64.83 50% 0%
Videze - Engima - Monthly 07/15/2020 <10 12.07% $2.47 $20.43 20% 0%