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Levidio Motion Pro - Create High Converting Video in 60 Secs - Affiliate Information

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Levidio Motion Pro - Create High Converting Video in 60 Secs information

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Maulana Malik

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Levidio Motion Pro - Create High Converting Video in 60 Secs 12/19/2017 500+ 4.94% $1.26 $25.48 50% 2.69%
[OTO] Levidio Motion Pro PLATINUM 12/19/2017 200+ 15.35% $5.73 $37.35 50% 2.30%
Levidio Motion PRO - Platinum Lite 12/19/2017 25+ 14.57% $3.92 $26.89 50% 0%