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AutoSoci PRO Automated FREE Traffic - Affiliate Information

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AutoSoci PRO Automated FREE Traffic information

Sale Price





Brett Ingram | Mo Latif

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
AutoSoci PRO Automated FREE Traffic 02/18/2018 500+ 4.14% $1.19 $28.71 50% 14.69%
AutoSoci - CINEMATIC Edition (LITE) 02/18/2018 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Autosoci - Elite Edition (LITE) 02/18/2018 <10 0% $0.00 $45.95 50% 0%
Autosoci - EXCLUSIVE (LITE) 02/18/2018 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Autosoci - eCom LITE 05/07/2017 <10 0% $0.00 $64.95 50% 0%
Autosoci - MAX (LITE) 02/18/2018 <10 0% $0.00 $45.95 50% 0%
Autosoci - LITE 02/18/2018 10+ 0% $0.00 $26.22 50% 13.33%
AutoSoci - MAX Unlimited 02/18/2018 100+ 17.29% $8.09 $46.78 50% 12.85%
AutoSoci - eCom Edition 02/18/2018 75+ 14.15% $9.42 $66.56 50% 11.11%
AutoSoci - ELITE Edition 02/18/2018 75+ 12.78% $5.94 $46.47 50% 9.33%
AutoSoci - CINEMATIC Edition 02/18/2018 50+ 14.61% $6.77 $46.31 50% 6.90%
AutoSoci - EXCLUSIVE Bundle 02/18/2018 25+ 11.65% $8.97 $77.00 50% 0%