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Uduala eCom v2 - Affiliate Information

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Uduala eCom v2 information

Sale Price





Victory Akpos

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Uduala eCom v2 04/06/2018 1,000+ 5.50% $1.59 $28.85 50% 4.10%
Uduala ClickFOMO - Best 04/28/2018 50+ 4.07% $2.73 $67.00 50% 8.06%
Uduala DFY 100+ eMail Templates - Best 04/28/2018 75+ 6.94% $4.79 $69.00 50% 3.53%
Uduala DFY Video Ads - Plan B 04/28/2018 200+ 13.64% $9.41 $69.00 50% 5.26%
Uduala DFY Gold 04/28/2018 10+ 1.53% $15.26 $997.00 40% 11.76%
Uduala eCom - Monthly 04/10/2018 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Uduala DFY Video Ads 04/10/2018 200+ 8.45% $3.75 $44.35 50% 4.02%
Uduala DFY 100+ eMail Templates 04/10/2018 100+ 8.14% $3.70 $45.43 50% 2.61%
Uduala ClickFOMO 04/10/2018 75+ 5.08% $1.63 $32.13 50% 5.05%
Uduala DFY eCom Setup 04/10/2018 10+ 1.32% $7.15 $540.52 40% 4.35%