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Yoga - For a Healthy Lifestyle With PLR - Affiliate Information

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Yoga - For a Healthy Lifestyle With PLR information

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Yoga - For a Healthy Lifestyle With PLR 05/16/2018 250+ 2.30% $0.25 $10.84 50% 1.90%
Yoga - For a Healthy Lifestyle Upsell Pack With PLR 05/16/2018 75+ 4.33% $1.61 $37.21 50% 2.38%
Yoga - For a Healthy Lifestyle Downsell Pack With PLR 05/16/2018 10+ 5.33% $1.52 $28.55 50% 5.00%
Weight Loss Mantra With PLR 02/28/2018 250+ 2.27% $0.23 $10.28 50% 1.95%
Weight Loss Mantra Upsell Pack With PLR 03/16/2018 50+ 3.25% $1.21 $37.14 50% 1.92%
Weight Loss Mantra Downsell Pack with PLR 03/16/2018 10+ 1.92% $0.58 $30.01 50% 4.55%
Product Installation Service 08/31/2016 25+ 0.26% $0.18 $67.83 30% 13.89%