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LIVEreel - Multi - Affiliate Information

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LIVEreel - Multi information

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Abhi Dwivedi [VineaSX]

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
LIVEreel - Single 06/29/2018 <10 0.02% $0.01 $40.70 50% 0%
LIVEreel - Multi 06/29/2018 2,000+ 7.67% $2.42 $31.57 50% 7.46%
LIVEreel - Advance 06/29/2018 500+ 16.41% $10.97 $66.88 50% 6.48%
LIVEreel - Ace 06/29/2018 250+ 19.37% $5.21 $26.91 50% 4.63%
LIVEreel - CLUB 06/29/2018 200+ 11.28% $4.18 $37.02 50% 1.29%
LIVEreel - CLUB-lite 06/29/2018 75+ 6.69% $1.81 $27.00 50% 0%
LIVEreel - SyVID Agency 06/29/2018 200+ 13.24% $4.92 $37.12 25% 3.24%
LIVEreel - SyVID 06/29/2018 100+ 8.89% $2.43 $27.38 50% 4.72%
LIVEreel - ViraSOCI 06/29/2018 100+ 10.48% $2.11 $20.14 50% 4.73%