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Email Ramp - 999 DFY Emails - Affiliate Information

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Email Ramp - 999 DFY Emails information

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Email Ramp - 250 DFY Emails 07/08/2018 25+ 0.10% $0.03 $31.10 50% 15.79%
Email Ramp - 999 DFY Emails 07/08/2018 2,000+ 5.18% $1.68 $32.44 50% 3.45%
Email Ramp Club - Monthly 07/08/2018 500+ 0% $0.00 $17.00 50% 2.04%
Email Ramp - Email Pro Custom Package (30 Personalized Email Credits) 07/08/2018 <10 0% $0.00 $430.33 30% 0%
Email Ramp Club - One-Time-Payment 07/08/2018 250+ 7.69% $7.46 $96.91 50% 3.72%
Email Ramp Club - 7 Day Trial 07/08/2018 500+ 39.73% $5.98 $15.05 50% 0.54%
Email Ramp - Email Writing Playbook 07/08/2018 200+ 6.57% $1.78 $27.06 50% 4.80%
Email Ramp - Email Pro Custom Package (100 Personalized Email Credits) 07/08/2018 <10 0.54% $2.93 $547.23 30% 0%