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Leads Profiter - World's #1 Free List Building & Profit Generating Tool - Affiliate Information

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Leads Profiter - World's #1 Free List Building & Profit Generating Tool information

Sale Price





Victory Akpos

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Leads Profiter - World's #1 Free List Building & Profit Generating Tool 11/23/2018 500+ 2.35% $0.67 $28.58 50% 11.71%
Leads Profiter - WP Alterzon Pro 11/23/2018 25+ 5.04% $1.55 $30.86 50% 7.14%
Leads Profiter - WP Alterzon Pro 11/23/2018 <10 14.29% $5.29 $37.00 50% 0%
Leads Profiter Pro One-time 11/23/2018 25+ 5.58% $5.34 $95.65 50% 15.38%
Leads Profiter Pro One-Time 11/23/2018 50+ 6.15% $8.25 $134.03 50% 10.17%
Leads Profiter Commercial - World's #1 Free List Building & Profit Generating Tool 11/23/2018 25+ 5.33% $1.67 $31.35 50% 0%
Leads Profiter Pro Monthly 11/23/2018 100+ 10.49% $2.79 $26.62 25% 18.10%
Leads Profiter Pro Monthly 11/23/2018 100+ 22.80% $4.08 $17.88 25% 3.51%
Leads Profiter - AlterSynd App 11/23/2018 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Leads Profiter Agency License 11/23/2018 50+ 16.90% $4.48 $26.50 50% 10.00%
Leads Profiter Agency License 11/23/2018 75+ 11.64% $4.24 $36.44 50% 16.25%
Leads Profiter Reseller 11/23/2018 10+ 2.76% $5.43 $196.64 50% 21.43%
Leads Profiter Reseller License 11/23/2018 <10 2.26% $2.82 $124.88 50% 0%
Leads Profiter - WP Alterzon Lite 11/23/2018 <10 0.90% $0.24 $27.00 50% 0%
Leads Profiter - WP Alterzon Lite 11/23/2018 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Leads Profiter - AlterSynd App 11/23/2018 25+ 10.74% $3.36 $31.31 50% 4.44%