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Pixielogo - Create Amazing Logos and Mockups in Under 1 Minute-without any MONTHLY FEE - Affiliate Information

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Pixielogo - Create Amazing Logos and Mockups in Under 1 Minute-without any MONTHLY FEE information

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Ugoo Carson

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Pixielogo - Create Amazing Logos and Mockups in Under 1 Minute-without any MONTHLY FEE 01/30/2019 1,000+ 5.56% $1.94 $34.93 50% 8.21%
Pixielogo Pro 01/30/2019 200+ 3.94% $2.64 $66.95 50% 9.55%
Pixielogo Pro 01/30/2019 25+ 0.87% $0.41 $47.00 50% 6.25%
Pixielogo Stock 01/30/2019 75+ 3.01% $2.02 $67.00 50% 11.83%
Pixielogo Stock 01/30/2019 10+ 0.22% $0.10 $47.00 50% 10.00%
Pixielogo Reseller 01/30/2019 10+ 2.95% $4.93 $167.00 50% 4.17%
Pixielogo Reseller 01/30/2019 <10 0.26% $0.25 $97.00 50% 0%