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Moto Theme 4.0 - Developer Licence - Affiliate Information

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Moto Theme 4.0 - Developer Licence information

Sale Price





Vivek Gour

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Moto Theme 4.0 - Developer Licence 07/22/2019 1,000+ 5.95% $2.85 $47.92 50% 6.98%
Moto Theme 4.0 - DFY Advance 07/22/2019 <10 0.40% $1.00 $247.00 50% 0%
Moto - PLRBUNDLE - One Time Price 07/22/2019 10+ 0.99% $3.94 $397.00 50% 0%
Moto Studio - One Time Price 07/22/2019 75+ 5.50% $3.69 $67.00 50% 2.02%
Moto Theme 4.0 - Single Site Licence 07/22/2019 10+ 0.07% $0.03 $47.00 50% 6.67%
Moto Theme 4.0 - DFY Premium 07/22/2019 <10 0.27% $1.33 $497.00 50% 0%
Moto Theme 4.0 - PRO 07/22/2019 250+ 17.89% $8.41 $47.00 50% 4.07%
Moto - Visitor Engagement Suite 07/22/2019 250+ 15.24% $5.64 $37.00 50% 3.80%
Moto Studio - Monthly 07/22/2019 10+ 1.32% $0.22 $17.00 50% 0%
Moto - PLRBUNDLE - Yearly 07/22/2019 25+ 3.00% $2.91 $97.00 50% 13.04%
Moto Theme 4.0 - DFY Basic 07/22/2019 <10 0.17% $0.16 $97.00 50% 0%