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Skilz - Affiliate Information

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Skilz information

Sale Price





Ben Murray

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Skilz 09/19/2019 1,500+ 6.94% $2.30 $33.08 50% 6.90%
Skilz Platinum 09/19/2019 500+ 29.19% $14.30 $49.00 50% 7.15%
Skilz Whitelabel 300 09/19/2019 100+ 8.17% $10.56 $129.30 50% 8.15%
Skilz Agency 09/19/2019 250+ 22.05% $15.21 $69.00 50% 7.83%
Skilz Whitelabel 100 Licenses 09/19/2019 25+ 1.97% $1.91 $97.00 50% 12.50%
PlayPix Special Offer 09/19/2019 100+ 10.83% $3.14 $29.00 50% 6.21%