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FX Funnel Commercial - Worlds 1st Smartest Funnel + Membership Builder - Affiliate Information

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FX Funnel Commercial - Worlds 1st Smartest Funnel + Membership Builder information

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Misan Morrison

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
FX Funnel Commercial - Worlds 1st Smartest Funnel + Membership Builder 08/27/2019 500+ 3.74% $1.63 $43.43 50% 10.81%
FX Funnel Standard 08/27/2019 10+ 0.10% $0.03 $35.27 50% 6.67%
FX Funnel Whitelabel - 200 License 08/07/2019 <10 0.31% $1.21 $383.77 50% 0%
FX Funnel Whitelabel - 100 License 08/07/2019 10+ 0.72% $1.86 $258.09 50% 10.00%
FX Funnel Deluxe 08/07/2019 250+ 24.40% $11.17 $45.76 50% 5.78%
FX Funnel Agency + Done For You Agency Website 08/07/2019 75+ 7.51% $7.06 $94.06 50% 4.49%
FX Funnel Whitelabel - 500 License 08/07/2019 10+ 0.41% $2.39 $583.22 50% 15.38%
FX Funnel/Sendiio 3-in-1 Autoresponder 08/07/2019 100+ 14.36% $9.42 $65.60 50% 9.46%
FX Funnel Template Club - Yearly 08/07/2019 25+ 3.35% $3.19 $95.27 50% 3.57%