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InfluencersHub Commercial - Affiliate Information

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InfluencersHub Commercial information

Sale Price




50% 1st
50% Rebill


Victory Akpos

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
InfluencersHub Commercial 10/05/2019 250+ 1.72% $0.75 $43.72 50% 16.92%
InfluencersHub Agency 10/05/2019 500+ 4.09% $2.61 $63.72 50% 13.94%
Influencers Hub Pro - Commercial 10/05/2019 100+ 3.89% $1.69 $43.36 50% 7.94%
Influencers Hub PRO - Agency 10/05/2019 250+ 9.31% $5.72 $61.52 50% 10.23%
xLinks PRO - Agency 10/05/2019 75+ 8.05% $4.84 $60.15 50% 11.54%
xLinks PRO - Commercial 10/05/2019 10+ 3.82% $1.66 $43.55 50% 0%
Influencers Hub Reseller - Platinum 500 Licenses 10/05/2019 50+ 7.05% $12.94 $183.44 50% 3.57%
Influencers Hub Reseller - Basic 250 Licenses 10/05/2019 25+ 2.94% $2.99 $101.71 50% 11.54%
Octane PRO - Agency 10/05/2019 75+ 3.19% $1.10 $34.45 50% 15.91%
Octane PRO - Commercial 10/05/2019 25+ 1.44% $0.38 $26.01 50% 5.56%
InfluencersHub Octane Reseller - Basic 250 Licenses 10/05/2019 <10 1.17% $1.20 $102.24 50% 0%
InfluencersHub Octane Reseller - Platinum 500 Licenses 10/05/2019 <10 1.16% $2.06 $176.91 50% 0%