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VideoTik Commercial - Affiliate Information

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VideoTik Commercial information

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Neil Napier

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
VideoTik Personal 05/27/2020 75+ 0.30% $0.10 $34.32 50% 12.35%
VideoTik Commercial 05/27/2020 2,000+ 7.69% $2.62 $34.12 50% 8.99%
VideoTik Unlimited + Instagram Publisher 05/27/2020 500+ 12.32% $8.25 $66.95 50% 6.79%
VideoTik Unlimited Lite 05/27/2020 250+ 23.80% $6.43 $27.00 50% 10.22%
VideoTik - Unlimited Site Builder 05/27/2020 100+ 5.99% $11.80 $197.00 50% 13.18%
VideoTik 100 Sites 05/20/2020 75+ 6.87% $6.59 $95.98 50% 13.83%
VideoTik Agency 05/27/2020 100+ 2.99% $2.00 $67.00 50% 11.11%