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Motvio - Affiliate Information

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Motvio information

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Rahul Gupta [Official]

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Motvio 09/28/2020 1,000+ 10.56% $3.85 $36.47 50% 2.41%
Motvio Agency - Elite 09/28/2020 10+ 2.02% $7.74 $383.96 15% 0%
Motvio Agency - Premium 09/28/2020 <10 1.40% $5.57 $399.00 15% 0%
Motvio Agency - Advanced 09/28/2020 <10 0.64% $1.28 $199.00 15% 0%
Motvio Lite 09/28/2020 10+ 0.12% $0.03 $28.44 50% 0%
Motvio Pro Ds 09/28/2020 100+ 35.37% $13.12 $37.09 50% 7.76%
Motvio PRO - Player Controls & Calls to Action 09/28/2020 500+ 39.71% $18.76 $47.25 50% 1.85%
Motvio Gold Ds 09/28/2020 50+ 23.81% $8.81 $37.00 50% 4.29%
Motvio GOLD - Email Subscription, Roll Actions & Overlays 09/28/2020 250+ 33.37% $15.63 $46.83 50% 1.09%
Motvio PLATINUM - Advanced Analytics, Pixel tracking & A/B Split Testing 09/28/2020 250+ 40.96% $14.73 $35.96 15% 1.07%
Motvio ENTERPRISE - Team Building/Creation/Managing 09/28/2020 75+ 15.71% $10.52 $67.00 50% 0%
Motvio Agency - Starter 09/28/2020 <10 1.26% $1.25 $99.00 15% 0%