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LSA Agency Premium - Affiliate Information

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LSA Agency Premium information

Sale Price





Victory Akpos

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
LSA Agency Premium 12/18/2020 500+ 6.71% $1.91 $28.42 50% 6.70%
LSA Agency Reseller - Unlimited License 12/18/2020 <10 2.25% $6.68 $297.00 50% 0%
LSA Agency Reseller - Unlimited License - DS 12/18/2020 <10 3.31% $6.51 $197.00 50% 0%
LSA Agency Ultimate 12/18/2020 100+ 18.76% $9.78 $52.13 50% 6.96%
LSA Agency Ultimate - DS 12/18/2020 75+ 35.54% $13.27 $37.35 50% 6.98%
LSA GGMB Agency 12/18/2020 50+ 12.90% $7.78 $60.33 50% 2.78%
LSA GGMB Agency - DS - oto2 12/18/2020 50+ 46.25% $17.49 $37.81 50% 1.35%
LSA SEO Agency - ds 12/18/2020 25+ 30.65% $11.74 $38.32 50% 2.63%
LSA SEO Agency 12/18/2020 25+ 8.43% $4.80 $57.00 50% 4.55%
LSA Reseller - 100 Licenses 12/18/2020 <10 1.57% $1.99 $127.00 50% 0%
LSA Agency Reseller 500 Licenses 12/18/2020 <10 0.69% $1.37 $197.00 50% 0%
LSA Agency Reseller - 500 Licenses - DS 12/18/2020 <10 2.17% $2.76 $127.00 50% 0%
LSA Reseller - 100 Licenses - DS 12/18/2020 <10 3.54% $3.43 $97.00 50% 14.29%