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Covert Store Builder - Affiliate Information

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Covert Store Builder information

Sale Price





Gary Martino

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Covert Store Builder 06/06/2013 9,000+ 2.24% $0.81 $36.00 60% 8.55%
Faster Smarter Better - Special Offer 03/06/2013 500+ 1.37% $0.21 $15.68 50% 7.89%
Covert Store Content 06/02/2013 5,000+ 11.49% $4.25 $36.99 50% 7.79%
Membership Pirate Special - 10 Membership Sites Done For You! 08/31/2012 250+ 0.99% $4.94 $497.00 50% 36.26%
Faster Smarter Better Reseller License - Special Offer 06/02/2013 100+ 0.86% $1.70 $197.00 50% 24.58%
Automated List Profits - Special Offer 02/26/2013 200+ 0.48% $0.46 $97.00 50% 16.60%